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Learn To Activate Your Subconscious

Writer's picture:  Laura Kern Ellis D. A. Hyp Laura Kern Ellis D. A. Hyp

In today's world more than ever before it is of utmost importance to learn and understand how powerful we truly are as human beings. The subconscious mind is the gateway to making lasting life changes. Once understood clearly, the limiting attitudes can begin to be dissolved through repetition and the process given in this audio course will help you do just that.

The laws of energy are: Thoughts are energy and vibrating of a certain QUALITY will surely attract that which is of similiar quality and vibration. Often not mentioned in various teachings are that feelings also have and attract similiar energies and often very challenging to control, ie: emotions. Anxiety is actually the number one dis-order americans face today along with drug addiction. This being stated you can see how important it is to heal, to re-program our minds and begin to create a new lifelong blueprint for our desired life. This program works best for those that have an earnest desire for a new understanding of why things in their lives that are showing up are either mostly unhealthy and seem to keep repeating themselves as it allows the natural mind to absorb the techniques more gradually and so most deeply.

This audio course came about after many hours/days of contemplation and work to provide those who are drawn to it a new higher vibration and true understanding of the mind. It is inclusive of written exercises to perform, mental energy learning, and a guided meditation at the close. This a course was created by Master Hypnotist Laura Ellis who holds multiple certifications including past life therapy and who has worked with individuals effectively globally ( Skype ) and in office over the last ten years. Just a one hour power packed teaching with various modules without wasted time on things you really do not need to know to move forward in making positive ideas and concepts a total transformational reality.

Laura is known to be one of cutting through the non-sense and just getting to the heart of matters. Listened to over and over again for a minimum of 30 days this course can greatly improve your loving relationships, confidence, prosperity and over all wellness. It is available for purchase and immediate download via the website.

May this audio course bring you satisfaction, a new understanding of your true being bringing forth the light that is ready to shine brightly within you!

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Disclaimer:  Laura k. Ellis is a multi-certified master hypnotist, past life therapist and holds certification in cognitive behavioural coaching. She is not a medical doctor. Her services are for psychologically healthy individuals only who desire profound positive life changes naturally. 

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