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Ever flowing Wisdom

Writer:  Laura Kern Ellis D. A. Hyp Laura Kern Ellis D. A. Hyp

Life never ceases to amaze me ! and I know that is a good thing ….

As I have been around planet earth for half a century now ..I have come to know one thing for sure ; our subconscious mind rules our lives !  We all have challenges on one level or another ..the problem is many of us > a whopping 80% ,do not understand why certain aspects of our lives do not change . Why the same situations keep appearing or rather re-appearing over and over again. You see ,many conventional therapists are trained and educated of how the brain functions ..but, actually no nothing of the mind , spirit connection. Hypnotherapists and those of us trained in the “field ” are aware of the mind , soul and body connection.  True healing can only take place there.

As a yet to be born infant in the womb up until around 10 years of age , there is an aspect of our minds that acts as a filter..this ” filter” does not have the capacity to say yes or no to the information that is being presented to it during that time.

So consequently everything we have observed, heard , and been exposed to repeatedly during that time of our lives is what many of us spend a lifetime attempting to heal or reverse ! It  can be done !   This I know for sure which is why I became a healing liaison myself . After 15 years of study …I know that life can be a grand wonderful journey.. and was meant to be !

Plato once said ; If you really desire change much as you would want to breath if your head was being held underwater..that is when change can take place . You see, desire is key …and the investment in yourself is something no one can ever take from you can journey into the rest of your life with feelings of peace, confidence ,and the knowing that life really was meant to be lived to the fullest … that anything really is possible… and you need lead just a robotic existence.  Look outside of your current circumstances as there really isn’t anything in your way…only yourself.

Yes ! life can be wonderful …it really was meant to be..make 2015 a year of Astounding Life Changes..not for the complacent people…again, true desire is key and then action …for more information contact me @ or e-mail

Reverend Laura Ellis CPLT



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Disclaimer:  Laura k. Ellis is a multi-certified master hypnotist, past life therapist and holds certification in cognitive behavioural coaching. She is not a medical doctor. Her services are for psychologically healthy individuals only who desire profound positive life changes naturally. 

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