In order to break the energy around your past loves , you need to explore and clear the many issues that result from carrying this residual energy and it’s impact.
If you are a woman reading this and you have experienced betrayal , abuse , abandonment and or sexual / emotional insensitivity , you have been left dealing with low self-esteem – an inability to trust yourself to make better relationship choices in the future – and perhaps even having mistrust in the world as a whole.
Regardless of your past choices , you may even be in another relationship now and find yourself navigating the same such issues from past relationships. Most conventional healing modalities don’t address the most important aspect of your Spiritual depth as a woman. My transformational coaching methods and or combined with targeted Hypnosis will allow you to reclaim personal power from dysfunctional relationships , re – establish your own sexual sovereignty and restore uncompromising self respect.
Personal power and confidence are the keys to a healthy , happy life !
To begin this powerful process of change ..change that will take place in your subconscious mind for lasting results visit and register for your complimentary consultation . You may also want to visit my products page where there is a variety of e-books , guided meditations and audio courses on this subject and more. PRODUCTS
To All …Be Well !