Every area of life that isn’t working for you and every self-sabotaging behavior pattern can be traced directly to the subconscious avoidance of a specific childhood hurt.
This automatic resistance creates states of fear , upset ,and confusion. It destroys our ability to find solutions and continues to force us in repeating unwanted patterns and habits. These hurts are are the suppressed childhood emotions of feeling worthless , not god enough , not worth loving , a failure or other forms of not feeling good about ourselves.
It is never the truth ! Only hurts that were taken in before the critical part of your mind was developed . A hurt however , that can destroy love and sabotage our lives as it is left to remain in the subconscious mind…. I am in the business of changing false beliefs , a facilitator that has not only herself experienced these hurts ..but a spiritual warrior ..determined and results driven to assist others re-claim their birthrights !
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