Future Life Progression is an inner journey forward in time to recover and explore events from the future and can be profoundly transformative work.
Time to our Soul does not exist , so we are easily able to move forward and back through time as we know it under hypnosis. All our experiences that may happen in the future are there for us to explore , however it is important for the client to ask themselves what it is they are wanting to achieve from the progression. Are you wondering why there are patterns that continue repeating in your life ? These patterns may be related to soul contracts or agreements . There may also be beliefs forming in this current lifetime on a unconscious level as a result from experiences in this lifetime.
As a past life therapist and highly developed empath I can clearly see the value offered to my clients in this amazing work. Going forward in time can bring new perspectives and healing for people in a way that no other spiritual treatment can. Progression is a powerful and safe healing tool.
These sessions are allowed up to 2 hours each and will be awake however deeply relaxed and allowing the future possibilities to arise from the unconscious mind under direction from the trained facilitator.
My sessions can be conducted in office and or via Skype and are by appointment only. You may contact us to arrange a complimentary brief phone consultation as well to learn more and have any questions answered prior to you booking.
Future Life Progression - transporting you forward in time , correcting what you can now in this lifetime and then future appears differently. Amazing !