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Miami Women & Spirituality

Writer's picture:  Laura Kern Ellis D. A. Hyp Laura Kern Ellis D. A. Hyp

As my primary work is with women during mid - life and with a personal history of many cultures ,

I felt compelled to write this regarding the diversity and women of Miami, Fl .

I grew up upper middle class in New York City and spent my summers growing up in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

My father having met my beautiful mother while sent to reside in Brazil for a few years via his work. They were a match never meant to last as the cultural differences continued to surface along with my mother being emotionally unstable.

Now half a century later I have found that no matter how much money we acquire , beauty blessed or bought we cannot escape who we truly

are on a soul - spirit level.

I have traveled many places and have found Miami to be a city in which many women in particular are in need of discovery - discovery of their authentic selves due to the nature of their collective cultural backgrounds and primary caretakers growing up. They seek out many answers and venues that prove to be ineffective and therefore leaves them feeling even more lost or confused at core levels. Dogma in these considered to be Latin Countries play a huge part in this for them .

The Bible makes reference to " if any two shall agree " it shall be done unto you in my many years of research I have found the many stories in the Bible were written in Metaphors . The new way I interpret this statement is "if any two shall agree " meaning the subconscious and conscious minds it shall be done unto you . The God I was led to believe in is not outside of me that beautiful , creative power is within . Knowing this and being able to trust on a core level brings about total transformation in our lives. An inner freedom perhaps you have never known for more than a day .

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Disclaimer:  Laura k. Ellis is a multi-certified master hypnotist, past life therapist and holds certification in cognitive behavioural coaching. She is not a medical doctor. Her services are for psychologically healthy individuals only who desire profound positive life changes naturally. 

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